window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-EM5T9TNY47'); Recommendations - Περιφερειακό Παρατηρητήριο Κοινωνικής Ένταξης Περιφέρειας Ιονίων Νήσων Recommendations – Περιφερειακό Παρατηρητήριο Κοινωνικής Ένταξης Περιφέρειας Ιονίων Νήσων




The Regional Observatory of Social Integration (PePKE I.N.), operates on the basis of the OEY in the Region I.N. (Department of Social Assistance and Solidarity – Regional Observatory), and based in P.E. Corfu and antennas in the other 3 P.E. (Lefkada, Kefalonia and Zakynthos).


The PePKE I.N. has the following main functions (K.L.):


  • K.L.-1: preparation of an annual Regional Survey of Income and Living Conditions to ascertain the effects of specific policies on improving the quality of life of the residents of the Region,
  • K.L.-2: development and implementation of tools and indicators for monitoring the social integration processes of the beneficiaries of PESKE I.N., especially in issues related to integration into the labor market and the development of economic activity of vulnerable groups,
  • K.L.-3: monitoring and recording of social phenomena, such as extreme poverty, over-indebted households and the treatment of social problems, especially of vulnerable population groups,
  • K.L.-4: operation of an online portal for the recording of poverty and social exclusion, the collection, processing and analysis of aggregate statistical data and reports of social phenomena at regional and local level, as well as actions of the Regional Social Inclusion Strategy (PESKE I .N).


Purpose and objectives of the Observatory


The purpose of the creation and operation of the Observatory of Social Inclusion is the compatibility of the Region of the Ionian Islands with the modern needs of social policy planning, which utilizes scientific research and knowledge, in the formulation of effective social policies, based on the values ​​of social justice, equal access of citizens in social goods, the removal of social and cultural discrimination based on terms of class, race, gender.


In addition, the establishment and activation of the Observatory is a necessity at a time when the welfare state seems unable to cope with the increased needs of Greek society, in a condition of prolonged recession that has led to the dramatic deterioration of the standard of living of Greeks, with high unemployment rates, high poverty rates, widening social and economic inequalities and strengthening social exclusion.


In terms of its objectives, the operation of the Observatory allows the Region to proceed with the design of socially effective interventions and the spatially equitable distribution of resources by recording the correspondence between the conditions of deprivation and the actions of the regional administration.


More specifically, it aims to provide the following services:

  • effective monitoring and coordination of the goals, which are specialized in the context of PE.S.K.E.
  • highlighting local needs in matters of social protection, welfare and solidarity policies,
  • transmission of data and information to the E.GP.S. of the National Mechanism,
  • capturing and mapping the spatial dimensions of poverty and social exclusion.


The website


The website of the Observatory is an integrated information system (OPS PEPKE I.N.) for monitoring the complex phenomenon of poverty/social exclusion in the Region of the Ionian Islands with the possibility of geographical/mapping.

It includes all the structures that are active in the geographical division of the Region of the Ionian Islands and provide social care and/or assistance to vulnerable social groups (such as Community Centers, Social Grocers, etc.).


It functions as an information point both for citizens who already use the services provided by county and by island, and for those who potentially want to join a support program.


In addition, it is a field of information and communication for the general public regarding the actions implemented to support vulnerable groups of the population (long-term unemployed, children, single-parent and/or large families, people over 65, etc.) with exchange possibilities information with competent bodies on the subjects of poverty and social exclusion.


In this context, OPS PEPKE I.N. also supports K.L. 2 and 3 of the Observatory (see above), as well as the necessary services and functions, regarding:

  • in support of the Observatory’s executives, in terms of their daily operations,
  • in the integration of the monitoring tools and indicators of the social integration processes of the beneficiaries of PESKE I.N., especially in issues related to the integration into the labor market and the development of economic activity of vulnerable groups,
  • in monitoring and recording social phenomena, such as extreme poverty, over-indebted households and dealing with social problems, especially of vulnerable population groups,
  • in utilizing the results of the Regional Survey of Income and Living Conditions
  • in disseminating the Observatory’s results to the general and specialist public.
  • in the exchange and utilization of data and in the configuration of processed data from other Systems,
  • in the processing, evaluation and utilization of data and information to support the preparation of the annual Regional Survey of Income and Living Conditions to ascertain the effects of specific policies on improving the quality of life of the residents of the Region (K.L.-1).

The OPS PEPKE-I.N. is an original Information System and has been designed by CrowdPolicy.




The funding body for the information system is the Ionian Islands Region. The expenditure for this contract is charged to the credit of the Public Investment Program (Collective Integration Decision, project number 2019ΕΠΟ2210029). The contract is included in Sub-Project No. 2 titled: “Specialized Services for the Development of Systems and Tools for the Needs of the Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Ionian Islands (PEPKE I.N.).” This falls under the Act: “Regional Observatory for Social Inclusion of the Ionian Islands” of the Operational Program “Ionian Islands” 2014-2020, based on the Integration Decision No. 1147/01.05.2019 of the Regional Governor of the Ionian Islands, as amended by decision No. 466/22-02-2022, and has been assigned MIS code 5034803 and ESID code: 172682. The development of the PEPKE I.N. ISF is funded by the European Union (European Social Fund) and national resources through the Public Investment Program.


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